HP 3570c - is there better scan software than the horrible stuff sold with the scanner?
(too old to reply)
2004-02-02 16:10:30 UTC
Hello all,

I'm tired of the stupid software HP seems to enjoy packing with their
3750c scanner. I used to work with an older model 4C, and the software
was useful, much better than the new stuff. I tried to get it going
with the 3750c, to no avail.

Is there anyone who has a solution?

Cheers, P.
J. A. Mc.
2004-02-02 17:12:50 UTC
Post by Piglet
Hello all,
I'm tired of the stupid software HP seems to enjoy packing with their
3750c scanner. I used to work with an older model 4C, and the software
was useful, much better than the new stuff. I tried to get it going
with the 3750c, to no avail.
Is there anyone who has a solution?
Gee, you've hit all the NG's, yet never heard of VueScan?
2004-02-02 22:31:59 UTC
Post by J. A. Mc.
Post by Piglet
Hello all,
I'm tired of the stupid software HP seems to enjoy packing with their
3750c scanner. I used to work with an older model 4C, and the software
was useful, much better than the new stuff. I tried to get it going
with the 3750c, to no avail.
Is there anyone who has a solution?
Gee, you've hit all the NG's, yet never heard of VueScan?
Seeing that HP series 3500 is not supported by VueScan, what else can I
2004-02-03 04:00:12 UTC
I've scanned hundreds of very old slides with a Nikon 4000 with ICE and Vuescan.

Unless the slide is just totally beat up and only the Heavy setting will remove enough scratches to make the image reasonable, I find the degradation to be very, very slight and most of the time hardly noticeable.

Great technology that can only get better.


Hi all, me being a first-timer and all that.

Just wondering how people get over dust problems with 35mm slide scanning. I
have a Minolta Scan Dual III. All the software processing seems to soften
the image somewhat. Is there an alternative to my current method of using
the Photoshop clone-stamp? I think my slides are as clean as possible but
even so there is always a little re-touching to be done.

I would also be interested to hear of people's experiences with digital ICE


