I don't know your scanner specifically, but I've taken just about everything
apart and put about half of everything back together
- here are some key points
Screws are often recessed
Screws are typically phillips head
Keep track of which screws come from where ( a long screw inserted where a
short one should be could cause interference with moving parts)
If you can't get somthing apart, DONT force it, you'll probably break it
If you have to force it you are probably doing it wrong
Depending on the amount of plastic, your device may "snap" together.
Look for "tabs" whenever plastic is flexible
Sometimes you need three hands (kids of 10 or so can be a great help and
they have a good memory for where things go when you are putting things back
If you are concernd about taking it apart I have two answers:
1. Don't or
2. Use your digital camera and document every step, take notes, draw
Remember, most of today's hardware (from refridgerators down to digital
cameras) are designed to be assembled by assembly line technicians quickly
(Design for Manufacturablity or DFM for short - I visted a production plant
in the US that made over 1000 refridgerators a day!)
Because they have to go together quickly, they generally will come apart
Take your time,
work on a soft, light colored surface (nothing more frustrating than
dropping a screw and having it bounce into oblivion)
Take your time (no I'm not crazy, it's really important to take your time)
Good luck
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc, www.oakinc.com
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
The nicest thing about NOT planning is
that failure comes as a complete surprise and is not
preceded by a period of worry and depression.
- Sir John Harvey-Jones
Post by BigSkyMy Visioneer 8100 appears to have some whitish, striated smudges on the
underside of the glass. I used an approved cleaner on the top of the glass
surface but it was obvious the discoloration was on the underside of the
glass. Is this normal to happen over time? Is there anyway to remove this
glass panel and clean it so it doesn't impact scanning?